Goat Supplies
Here are some supplies which we find helpful. All used by us for our goats.
Affordable Goat Blankets/ Goat Coats:
Got kids in cold weather or have a sick goat? Those dog coats work great, stay on the goat, keep them warm and dry and cost half of the price compared to special goat coats. All sizes: http://www.jefferspet.com/breathe-comfort-dog-blanket/camid/PET/cp/0027209/
Affordable Backpack for your Pack Goat:
Like to go with your goat for a hike and have it pack something for you? This backpack works very well on goats. Not saying a special "made for goats bag" wouldn't be ideal, but this is a great affordable alternative. Our goats walk great with it and it fits just fine: http://www.jefferspet.com/dog-backpack/camid/PET/cp/0036019/
(more on Amazon.com)
A good book for new and old goat keepers
It includes pretty much each topic around goats. For those who just get started with goats as well as for those who already have some and like to have a guide to look things up. Besides information about goats, how to care for them and how to build feeders and more, it even includes a beautyfull variety of recepies for goat milk products and goat meat meals: http://www.amazon.com/Storeys-Guide-Raising-Dairy-Goats/dp/1580172598/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1390358322&sr=8-12&keywords=raising+goats
Easy and handy guide about natural treatments for all farm animals
The book has devided sections for each specias, what comes in really handy. Also the author writes goats are a special love of hers; and you can tell, all is written in best interest of the animal. Even I don't agree with some of the author's thoughts, I love this book. It gives great ideas for natural treatments and has neatly arranged cheapters to look things up. http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Herbal-Handbook-Farm-Stable/dp/0571161162/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1390359225&sr=8-1&keywords=herbs+for+farm+and+stable
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